Wednesday 16 August 2017

Now Non Resident Indian can vote in elections from Abroad

The Non Resident population who either is studying, employed or married abroad will be able to vote in India during the elections. There are twenty-five million, Non Resident Indian living outside India. In 2014, two Non Resident Indians - Shamsheer VP an NRI from Kerala and Nagender Chindam from United Kingdom filed a Public Interest Litigation in Supreme Court for providing legal voting rights to all the Non Residents staying abroad. Due to high travel cost, the Non Resident Indian could not come to India especially during election. To curb this problem our government came up with E – Voting system. A blank ballot paper was send to them via an email. And then they were supposed to fill it and send it back to the constituency. But unfortunately, this could only attract 15,000 to 20,000 Non Resident Indians to cast their vote. The government very soon has started working on software that will enable the Non Resident Indian to vote from abroad. The eligibility of the voter will be that she should be 18 years of age and holder of a legal passport. In India, the legal age to cast vote is still 18 years of age irrespective of gender, caste, economic, religion and social structure. India falls in the list of those countries who right after independence gave the voting rights to females. In India, one vote has one value. The Indian Constitution has laid down the following rules regarding disqualification of voters from the election process. If an individuals who are convicted of offences committed under Section 171E (which deals with bribery) and Section 171F (which deals with personating or undue influence at an election) of the Indian Penal Code are disqualified from participating in elections. Those convicted of offences under Section 125 (which deals with various electoral offences), Section 135 and Section 136 of the Representation of People’s Act face disqualification from elections. If an individual votes in more than one constituency, his vote is disqualified.

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