Monday 11 June 2018

Tips for Creating Responsible Tourism

Tips for Creating Responsible Tourism
We are often asked about the key things that travelers must know when it comes to creating responsible Tourism. It is about leaving a positive impact on not only the environment, but also the people who live in the places we choose to visit. Here is a quick guide to some of our top tips on how to be a responsible traveler.
Before you finalize your tour itinerary
Check your passport first for its expiry and apply for Visa after finalizing your tour itinerary.
Before start designing the itinerary, it should be clear the destinations you want to visit, number of days, type of accommodation,  mode of transport and hiring the services of tourist guide. This information helps the travel agent to design best tour itinerary for you.
Plan your route to minimize the distance. Whenever possible travel to far reaching destinationseither by train or flight. It will not only save your time and money but also carbon emission.
If you have a special requirement like wheel chair accessibility, No stair, smoke free rooms, extra bed, then do share with your travel agent. It will not only help you but also the hotel to avoid the eleventh hour confusion.  
Before you travel
It is advisable that you must read about the country, its history, culture, religion, people, food and customs. Just in case, you are allergic to certain food, it will later help you to decide your menu.
Check the weather reports before packing your bags. Try to pack as light as possible. When packing, choose clothes that don’t need to be ironed, so it’s possible to reduce the energy consumption. Plus, you don’t need to worry about crumpled clothes during the trip.
Bring environmentally friendly products with you. Always carry a reusable bag. So you will prevent much plastic from being unnecessarily discarded.
Ask your travel company for specific tips relating to responsible travel in your chosen destination. Like scarf for visiting religious places.
If you will be indulging in adventure sports, then what safety equipments will be provided?
Ask if there are useful gifts that you could pack for your hosts, local people or schools.
Ask for the local conservation or social projects that you could visit on your trip.
Be aware of any excursions on your trips that involve wild or captive animals. There are a lot of issues regarding responsible wildlife viewing, hunting in most of the countries require special permission.
While on holiday
Hire a tourist guide; you will discover more about local people, their culture, the landscape and wildest. You can ask your travel agent for it, as they take their full responsibility. In many countries, from Kenya to Sri Lanka, poachers have changed their ways to become conservationists and guides, and the more we support that and show that wildlife tourism works, the better.
Do not buy products made from endangered species, hard woods or ancient artifacts. Shells and coral should stay where they belong too, and if you’re considering buying gems locally, research the legality and ethics of this before you go.
Don’t give alms or encourage child labor. Don’t buy goods from children.
Respect people and their local cultures. Our travel guides give insight into many of the issues here, destination by destination, from not invading people’s spaces by taking endless photographs without asking, being unnecessarily noisy, to dressing inappropriately or disrespecting religious traditions. The most important thing to remember is that you are visiting people’s homes, so think how you would want to be treated if the roles were reversed.
Try regional dishes and drinks – they are great travel souvenirs. Attend cultural events at the place you are visiting. Book your tours with a focus on local culture.
Use water prudently. Water is a human right and yet tourism is one of the biggest exploiters of it. Recently, there was water shortage at a lot of destinations in Himachal Pradesh. A lot of countries are facing the same issue.
Throw garbage only in the appropriate places. Don’t leave your garbage on the beaches or natural surroundings. Be very careful with plastic bags on the beach so they don’t fly and are ingested by marine wildlife.
If you find any wild animals during the tour, keep a safe distance, don’t offer food to them and don’t try to approach them.
Don’t cut or pick flowers and plants. If you are in nature, stay on the trail in order to preserve the area. Don’t venture into nature without the guidance of an experienced guide.
Before entering the sea, check with local people about the site’s safety instructions for swimming and necessary care. Don’t take chances in places you don’t know and don’t go into the water if you are drunk.
When you get back
You must write a feedback to your travel agenthotelstourist guide. It will not only help them to get future business but also helps in improving the services for the future tourists.
For any serious issues regarding human rights abuses or wildlife exploitation for tourism, contact the Ministry of Tourism, if there is one, in that country. Using social media to spread the word is a good way too. We love to post the happy pictures on social media all the time, so spreading the word about unethical practices helps too.
If you’ve promised to send pictures or gifts to local people remember to do so; many are promised and not all arrive!
And last, but not least, enjoy the memories, reflect on your experience and start planning your next trip.
Here are some of tips from the UN handbook:
  • Honor your hosts and our common heritage.
  • Learn to speak a few words in the local language. This can help you connect with the local community in a more meaningful way.
  • Always ask before taking photographs of other people as a matter of privacy.
  • To protect our planet, purchase products that aren’t made using endangered plants or animals.
  • Reduce your water and energy consumption when possible.
  • In protected areas, access only the places open to visitors.
  • To support the local economy, buy locally-made handcrafts and products. Respect livelihoods of local vendors and artisans by paying a fair price.
  • Do not buy counterfeit products or items that are prohibited by national/ international regulations.
  • Take appropriate health and safety precautions prior to and during your trip. Know how to access medical care or contact your embassy in case of an emergency.

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