Thursday 5 October 2017

9 Reasons to prefer Home stay rather Hotels

There's a saying in India, "Athithi Devo Bhava", which means "The Guest is God". Indians consider it an honor to have guests in their home, and go out of their way to please them. There's nothing like Indian hospitality. Sadly, most visitors who come to India and stay in hotels never get to experience true Indian hospitality. The good thing is that all this is changing as a result of the growing popularity of home stays in India.

Benefits of Home stay in India
There are a number of reasons why staying at a home stay can be preferable to staying in a hotel. The benefits include:
1. Distinctive and Character full Accommodations
Home stays offer a lot of opportunity to experience the incredibly diversity and charm of India. The options are almost endless and include plantation bungalows, historic havelis (mansions), forts, and remote rural cottages.

2. Attending Indian Weddings
These days Indian wedding is quite famous all over the world especially for the colorful dresses. Some home stay has facility where the foreign guests can attend the full Indian weddings. It includes all the elaborated wedding rituals.

3. Personalized Service
In contrast to a hotel, a home stay usually only has a few rooms. The family who resides there runs it, and acts as host. This guarantees that guests receive plenty of individual attention. You can spend as little or as much time with the host family as you like. Some guests choose only to dine with them, while others spend hours chatting to them. Regardless, staying with an Indian family is the easiest way of finding out about Indian culture and way of life. Many guests and hosts find that they bond with each other so much, that they keep in touch long after the vacation is over.

4. Local Area Knowledge
The wealth of information that the hosts have about their local area makes deciding what to see and do a breeze. Such local knowledge is extremely helpful in getting the most from your visit. Many hosts are delighted to show their guests around their local area, providing them with invaluable insights that simply aren't available from a guide book.

5. Indian Home Cooked Food
There's a huge difference between the Indian food served in restaurants and hotels, and the food that's cooked in an Indian home. By staying at a home stay, you'll be able to taste authentic Indian home cooked food, made to order. It's a lot lighter, and has more variation and flavor than restaurant food. Some home stays even welcome their guests into their kitchen, and let them watch and participate in the cooking process.

6. Unique Activities
As a guest at a home stay, the focus is on you, and your likes and preferences. The hosts are typically very accommodating and will put a great deal of effort into arranging activities that are of interest to you. These activities will vary depending on location. Exploring a coffee plantation in Coorg, watching a polo match in Rajasthan, herding animals in remote northern India, village visits, picnics, and temple tours are just some of the options.

7. Celebrating Festivals
There's no better way to celebrate India's many festivals than with an Indian family. You'll gain a deep appreciation and understanding of what the festival is about, as well as get to participate in the rituals associated with it.

8. Learn Draping a Sari
Another benefit of home stay is learning how to dress up like Indians. These days most of the foreign females are curious to learn how to drape a perfect Sari.

9. Less Expensive
Most of the Home stays in India are less expensive as compared to the hotels.

Staying at a home stay in India is all about immersing yourself in India, rather skimming over it on the tourist trail.
Choosing Your Home stay in India
While the idea of a home stay might sound alluring, it's important to choose your home stay wisely. As with most accommodations in India, the quality is very variable. Those who prefer their privacy may feel more relaxed at a home stay that has separate accommodations for guests, rather than rooms in the family home. Also be aware of the type of food that's served. Some home stays only prepare vegetarian cuisine, which may be an issue for meat lovers!

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